APICS Fraser Valley Web Survey

Thanks for taking the time to provide us this feedback. This information will be taken into account as we draft new programs and offerings

Section 1   Education

    Section 1   Education


    Have you attended any APICS courses in the past?

    Yes No


    If yes, which ones?


    Do you plan on enrolling in any educational offerings in the next year?

    Yes No Maybe


    If yes, which type of course are you planning to take?


    If CPIM, Which module/modules would you like to take?
    To select more than one option please hold down the shift key while selecting.


    Which format would you most prefer?

    Weekly (one evening/week) Fast Track (2 weekends)


    Would you like our Director of Education to contact you to discuss your needs?

    Yes No


    Do you have any additional comments or suggestions on Education?

    Section 2    Programs/Events


    Have you attended any of our Professional Development Meetings?

    Yes No


    If so, what did you like the MOST about the last event you attended?


    If so, what did you like the LEAST about the last event you attended?


    What topic would you MOST like to hear about at an upcoming event?


    Do you have any workshop suggestions?


    Is there a particular speaker you recommend for an upcoming event?


    Would you like our Director of Programs to contact you to discuss your needs?

    Yes No


    Do you have any additional comments or suggestions on Programs/Events?

    Section 3  Membership


    Are you currently an APICS member?

    Yes Individual Yes Corporate No


    If No, are you interested in finding out more about the benefits of membership?

    Yes No N/A


    Would you like our Director of Marketing and Membership to contact you?

    Yes No N/A


    If you are a member, what chapter are you currently part of?


    If you are a member, what do you see as the biggest benefit of membership?


    If you are a member, what things would you like to see improved in APICS overall?


    Do you know anyone you feel would benefit from Membership (if so we will contact you)?

    Yes No

    Section 4  Getting Involved


    APICS chapters are all run by volunteers, would you be interested in helping out?

    Yes No


    If so, what areas would you be most interested in helping with?


    If Other, please explain


    Approximately how many hours per month could you volunteer?

    Section 5  Communications


    Do you currently receive our Newsletter and/or other updates via email?

    Yes No


    If no, would you like to be on our distribution list (please supply email address below)?

    Yes No


    What is your preferred method in which to receive updates from the Chapter?


    How often do you typically visit our website?


    What do you like the MOST about our website?


    What do you like the LEAST about our website?


    Do you have any additional comments or suggestions on Communications?

    Section 6  Comments


    Please supply and additional comments/suggestion to the overall board.

    Section 7  Contact Info
    This information is optional, unless you wish someone to contact you


    Your Name


    Company Name


    Phone Number


    Email Address


    APICS membership Number (if applicable)


    Your preferred method of contact

    Email Phone