Education Update

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  • NEW!! Workshops
  • Fundamentals Courses
  • CPIM Courses

NEW!! Inventory Workshops Extended

Fraser Valley Chapter Continues with Inventory Management Workshop Series

After a wonderful turnout for the first 2 workshops, APICS Fraser Valley Chapter is please to announce the remaining 2 Inventory Management Workshop series: Cycle Counting and Materials Requirements Planning and Bills of Materials.

APICS Fraser Valley Chapter still has a few seats for the 3rd workshop – Distribution Inventory Management to be held Friday, March 11th. If you are interested, sign up now!

3. Distribution Management Inventory – This workshop focuses on the distribution network model and its objectives, activities, and distribution inventory management decisions and includes interactive exercises to present the fundamental concepts associated with the distribution environment. This workshop is appropriate for management, sales, purchasing, operations & materials management, shipping / receiving and any other supply chain function tangent to the distribution activity.

Date: Friday, March 11th, 2005, 8:30am-1:00pm

Location: Newlands Golf and Country Club

21025 48th Ave, Langley, BC V3A3M3

Instructor: Denise Becker

Deadline for registration: Wednesday, March 9th 4:30pm.

These workshops are 4 hours in duration. Perfect for individuals looking for quick but effective training or as a brief introduction to the proven concepts contained in the APICS Body of Knowledge. The cost of these workshops are $99 members; $150 non-members! (Payment by cheque or cash). APICS Fraser Valley Chapter will be offering the remaining 2 workshops on the following dates:

4. Cycle Counting – In this workshop, participants will learn how to implement and improve a cycle counting program and the real purpose of cycle counting: finding and fixing the causes of inventory errors. This workshop is for stockroom or warehouse supervisors and personnel.

Date: Friday, April 1st, 2005, 8:30am-1:00pm, location: Langley, BC

Deadline for registration: Wednesday, March 30th 4:30pm.

5. Material Requirements Planning & Bills of Materials – This workshop examines how to effectively use a materials requirements planning (MRP) system. Participants will develop an understanding of how bills of materials are structured and how MRP calculates net requirements.

Date: Friday, April 29th, 2005, 8:30am-1:00pm, location: Langley, BC

Deadline for registration: Wednesday, April 27th 4:30pm.

Those participants who have attended all 5 workshops will receive a certificate of completion from Fraser Valley chapter.

Participant guides are included. For registration or any additional questions, please contact our education director at [email protected]. Sign up today!

If your company is interested in conducting any of the workshops in-house, please contact our education director.

Fundamental Courses and Offerings


The Fundamentals of Materials and Operation Management Courses will introduce you to the field of production and inventory management.

If you want to know:

  • The differences between manufacturing processes
  • The relationships between warehousing, production, and planning
  • What MRP means and how it can be used to improve customer service
  • How to setup or improve cycle counting to increase inventory accuracy without increasing the work

The Fundamental courses are (linked courses are being offered):

  1. Fundamentals of Inventory Control
  2. Fundamentals of Planning
  3. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Control
  4. Fundamentals of Operations Management
  5. Fundamentals of Materials Handling and Warehousing

There are currently no new Fundamentals courses being offered. Please check back see contact information below.

For more information on these courses please contact:

Vancouver Chapter: Education Director Jose Quezada [email protected]

Fraser Valley Chapter: Education Director  [email protected]


We are currently putting together a flexible offering for an additional Basics Courses to be held in Langley. This will not be the standard 12 week course as offered in the past. If you are interested in this, please let us know as soon as possible.

  • Basics of Supply Chain Management
  • Additional Info on CPIM and registering for these courses

Basics of Supply Chain Management

Explore the basic concepts in managing the flow of materials in a supply chain. In the Basics, you get a complete overview of material flow, from internal and external suppliers to and from your organization. Topics include:

  • Elements of the Supply Chain
  • Just-in-Time (JIT)
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II)
  • Demand Planning
  • Capacity Management.

Due to low enrollment, this course will be re-scheduled for a later date

Additional Information

For more information on these courses please contact:

Education Director
[email protected]
Fraser Valley Chapter